When we moved down here we were told that they never get snow. Last two winters have been very snowy and our first sprinkle arrived on Thursday morning. Big proper snow yesterday, settling quickly on the drive and roads, great fun getting to my friends for my annual hair cut! Then it sleeted and then started a short thaw, result this morning is thick ice everywhere. BMW now grounded for the winter! Thank goodness for the 4x4 (although that isn't much good in ice as we discovered last Christmas day when it slid slowly and gracefully into the back of my parked car, now parked at the top of the drive so hopefully if we do take it out it won't do it again). Minus 3 at 08.30 this morning and still at 10.30 below freezing, nice! Fully stocked up so we will be OK for a few days...
Had to stop this for an hour as M told me we have sheep! 7 strays now fully enclosed in a field and trying to find out who they belong too. Unfortunately you can't get close enough to them to see their ear tags, hopefully someone will claim them after my phone calls. Also this year had had stray cattle and currently there is a stray fox hound in the vicinity, again someone is supposed to be coming today to try to catch him, what is it about our place and animals. Also since I started writing it has started snowing again despite a forecast of sunshine!
Must go and start preparing the curry for tonight and marinade some chicken. Hope everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is warm and dry! :)