Monday, 13 October 2014

Autumn comes

Yes I know, been quiet on here, but it has been a crazy summer (as usual).  All those good intentions over the winter to get stock made up so I don't end up working 7 days a week over the summer just never seemed to happen last year and what with a new house (well old house that needs LOTS of work doing on it); the sad passing of my beloved Daddy (born Guy Faulks day, 5th November, died 21st June - Summer solstice, dates not easily forgotten!); and being involved in some new galleries I have been completely snowed under.  Oh and 3 acres of jungle, sorry garden, that needed taming!!!

So now the weekly summer market has finished for the season and the studio/shop in Bude being now open 5 days a week rather than 7 you would think I have learned my lesson and am getting on with stock making for the Christmas markets and next year, but... I have learned that I need to be in a panic to get stock made.  Have all day today to make, but my mojo is still curled up warm in bed with the cat whilst the rain batters on the windows. It would be nice and warm if I got on the torch with the kiln going so maybe in an hour I will get down to it! 

Here are some photos of what I have been up to over the summer, both garden wise and work wise to keep you entertained!

Glass fish windchime

May tree in full bloom

Pretty rose outside our kitchen window

Towards the sea from the lock gates at Bude

Glass tree, handmade by me, apple wood base, handmade by himself.

A very small selection of the fruits of the garden

My stall at Clovelly (N Devon), at the Maritime Festival