Friday, 6 February 2009

More winter wonderland

Weather forecasters Pah!

The for
ecast for us last night was a bit of rain with snow in South and East Devon. About 10pm I went out to check on the chickens and thought 'thats cold and wet, but it's not rain' and it wasn't and it still wasn't at 10am this morning. We had about 4 inches of the white stuff, this time not the nice dry snow we had on Monday and Tuesday but good old English wet rain.

Bit gutted to find out though that Okehampton (about 30 minutes away) had half a metre.

Chickens again reluctant to come out and drivers reluctant to use the road (Mark heard two go past, but when he went to look it appeared that they had got to our drive and decided not to go on any further and had turned round).

Our friends (who live closer to Bude) had about 6 inches and lost power, but the power company did sort it out quite quickly. They are lucky, they have an aga as well as a woodburner, if we lost power we wouldn't have any cooking facilities (guess we would have to improvise with the woodburners).

My Nephew and his wife live on the eastern side of Dartmoor (to get to them from the A38 yo
u have to turn off at the top of the hill where everyone got stuck last night). He is abroad at the moment, and she was OK, no loss of power and lots of fun with the twins (aged 2 and a half) making snowmen, except their wellies are so small that the snow went over the top - bless).

Mark got out this afternoon before it got too icy (what we would do without the 4x4 I don't know, my beemer would be hopeless, I know it doesn't happen very often but it is good to know that we can get out come rain or snow if we need to), and we will need to go out tomorrow for provisions. Quite what the next days will hold for us and the rest of the UK in terms of snow who knows. Have to say that we are thankful for the big freezer we certainly aren't going to starve and if need be we could always drink my home made wine....

1 comment:

Pattypan said...

We have had a lot of snow today as well up in Peterborough. But you look as though you have tons more. Take care and by the way I love the moggies they are gorgeous