Well we are still under attack from the starlings, back in the Ash tree right outside o

ur bedroom window at first light. When they flew off I nearly jumped out of my skin with the noise.
The farmer who tenants the land belonging to this house was here this morning, he only lives about a mile away and he said he hadn't seen any at all so was a bit surprised to see so many.
The appeal for them may be the corn field next to 'our' land which was harvested a while ago but probably has a lo

t of grain still in it. Quite why they like our trees and fields I have no idea. I have been trying to find out about Starlings and what they do and apparently according to the RSPB website many migrate here in the Autumn to spend the winter here. Maybe they, like the geese before them migrating out of the UK, like this area because as it is so agricultural there is quite a lot of food, and we are close to the Atlantic coast but far away to be a bit more protected. Whatever the reason I feel quite honored to see them and their displays are wonderful to watch. It is eerily quiet when they fly off to another field and I will miss them when they finally move on.
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