Well the garden is coming along although sadly we had to pull up our lovely huge cabbages as they tasted rather too, well, cabbagy and not in a nice way. The spuds are a bit floury but think that is due to lack of rain despite watering them, and we did run out of a rain water supplies, must get bigger tanks!
I bought a pack of mixed lettuce seeds and thought they would never grow, lettuces have been rubbish before, but they all grew and we ended up with more lettuces that anyone could eat, have been giving them away. They are starting to bolt now so will feed the compost bin, but the best ones have been the iceberg's, not bolted (yet) and crisp and tasty, have planted more.
Runner beans doing OK, lots of flowers but they are not setting at the moment so have planted a sweet pea that needed a home with the runner beans to encourage the bees. Tomatoes, carrots and peas doing OK too.
Also been busy with work, trying to keep 3 masters happy and juggle their requirements so I keep them all satisfied, is getting rather hard work, but can't complain I suppose.

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