Seems like I haven't stopped for breath for the last 6 weeks, lots of my students were finishing their course and it seemed to be a mad rush right at the end. Thankfully am nearly there now.
News from this end apart from being busy is that our single hen sadly passed away about 2 weeks ago. We had been out all Saturday and she had been locked in her run, she hadn't been out much recently, wasn't keen on the cold in her old age. When we got home on Saturday afternoon she was sitting in the nesting box looking pretty fed up, but not ill looking. Sunday morning when I went to feed her and let her out I found her fast asleep on the floor of the hen house with her head tucked underneath her wing. Hopefully she didn't suffer but just fell asleep and didn't wake up. Bit sad to loose her as she was such a character; previously when we have lost hens we had other ones to take their place, but now we are completely henless. We certainly will get more now, after giving the hen house a very thorough disinfect - not that we think there was a problem here, but it gives us a chance to do it properly when it is empty. Problem is just can't decide what to get, I find that I make a decision on the next ones and then see other ones and change my mind!
Starting also to think about the garden and now have seed potatoes chitting on the window sills and M has planted out some tomato and chilli seeds and (not sure why) some cauliflowers. I say I am not sure why as we have tried to grow them for many years and never been successful. I have also planted out the garlic; a little late but hopefully it will be OK. Now sorting through the rest of the seed packets to see what is out of date and what we have run out of.
Bead making has been a bit slow due to the amount of work I have, but I did manage to go on a two day course last weekend which was fab but tiring. More on this on my glass blog.
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