Wednesday, 12 March 2014

'Pretty in Pink' picture interlude

Spring is here, daffs are comming out and lots of other things!  Someone in the last few years was a bit of a gardener and the jungle (aka garden) is full of beautiful flowers and shrubs (in many cases I have absolutely NO idea what they are, but am learning!).  Took some photos yesterday of some lovely pinks.

Camellia - we have about 10 of these dotted around the garden!  Most of them will need a good prune once they have stopped flowering!

We also have an enormous number of fruit shrubs and bushes (more of that another day), but among the more unusual is a very straggly (again will need a prune later in the year) quince!  Quince jelly methinks!  The flowers are lovely :)

Wonderful colours and inspiration for some glass making :)

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